Svelarancido Test - verification of the quality of extra virgin olive oil
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The phenomenon of rancidity
Rancid Test Extra virgin olive oil and olive oil, like all fatty substances, become rancid if exposed to air (oxidation). Oxidation gives rise to peroxides which, through a chain reaction favored by light and heat, lead to a loss of quality of the oil. Peroxides are extremely toxic compounds for our body since their decomposition forms free radicals which can cause cell destruction, resulting cellular aging and other pathologies, including cardiovascular ones. Oxidation is a natural process, but in extra virgin olive oil it is delayed by the presence of a high percentage of oleic acid, a high content of polyphenols and Vitamin E. For this reason it is advisable to use quality oils, rich in natural antioxidants.
The lower the peroxide content, the better the oil will be for your health!
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