ITHALYA X - Macromolecular Hyaluronic Acid Body Filler
Contains: a 1x10 ml pre-filled syringe
Ithalya X is a brand new injectable medical device with a macromolecular hyaluronic acid formulation specifically designed to reshape the body. With Ithalya reshaping the body in a natural and safe way is now possible with Ithalya It will be possible to change the appearance of your body with a quick and non-permanent procedure that requires minimal time to return to work activities.
Cross-linked macromolecular hyaluronic acid - CONCENTRATION HA 20 mg/ml
Active component: Cross-linked macromolecular hyaluronic acid
Origin: bacterial fermentation
Concentration: 20 mg/ml
Cross-linking agent: BDDE
Molecular weight: approximately 2 million Daltons
Degree of cross-linking: • •••
Sterilization: autoclave
Needle diameter: -
Implantation points: buttocks, calves, depressions, body remodeling/asymmetries
Injection level: deep dermis/subcutaneous
Storage: 5/25°C
Certificate: CE 0373 - UNI EN ISO 13485:2016
Più di 5.000 professionisti lo utilizzano
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